1. Head to Level 3 in the CapitaVerse and find our 24-hour NFT Display


  2. Click on the NFT to collect the attendance pass. Simply connect your MetaMask wallet, and you can enjoy real world privileges from participating stores at CapitaLand malls from 20 June onwards.

  3. To retrieve your CapitaVerse NFT Attendance Pass:

    Step 1: Go to www.opensea.io

    Step 2: Click on your MetaMask extension

    Step 3: Key in your MetaMask password

    Step 4: Click the wallet icon and select ‘MetaMask’

    Step 5: Click on your Profile image and select ‘More’

    Step 6: Click on ‘Hidden’ to view your NFT

    Step 7: Screen capture your NFT and flash it at participating stores

    FINAL_Tutorial NFT Opensea Video Landscape_updated 24June.mp4

<aside> 💡 The NFT Attendance Pass is a unique digital collectible and a new way of keeping a reliable record of life experiences.
